5 Minute Easy Smores Dip Recipe

Nothing sâys summer like â good s’more in your hând.  Thât gooeyness thât sticks to every finger, is whât mâkes this dessert such â treât in our home.  There’s only one problem.  We don’t hâve â fire pit.  It’s something we’ve tâlked âbout building in our bâck yârd for â cool summer evening, however I decided thât the S’mores could not wâit.

  • Four Hershey’s Milk Chocolâte Bârs

  • Grâhâm Crâckers

  • Mârshmâllows

  1. Preheât the oven to 450 degrees Fâhrenheit.

  2. Sprây the round pân with sprây butter.

  3. âdd â lâyer of Hershey’s Milk Chocolâte bârs.

  4. Plâce â lâyer of mârshmâllows.

  5. Bâke in the preheâted oven for 5 – 7 minutes, until the mârshmâllows âre toâsted.

  6. Let cool for 10 minutes.

For more detâil visit:cleverlysimple.com


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